Hand Therapy in Hamilton, Ontario

Are you suffering from hand pain in Hamilton? Difficulty working with your hands? Loss of strength?

No matter if you’re in Hamilton or anywhere in the world, it’s hard to get by without the help of your hands.

Fortunately, modern medical and therapeutic techniques can work wonders for your hands. Activa Clinics’ expert hand therapists can develop a customized hand therapy program for anyone, specifically tuned to your goals.

So whether you’re looking to restore some lost strength to your hands, or finally kick that nasty hand pain to the curb, take some time to explore the possibilities of hand therapy offered for improving your everyday life.


Braces and supports help in a variety of situations, such as recovering from an injury or just leading an active lifestyle and needing to protect your joints. Here are just a few examples of when braces and straps can help:


Post-operative Rehab

Joint conditions like Arthritis

Conditions related to Athletic Injuries

Jobs involving heavy lifting or repetitive motions

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)

Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper’s Knee) and conditions related to Runner’s Knee

Benefits of Hand Therapy

Whether from injury, disease, or the natural progression of age, there are numerous conditions which can affect our hands.

The aim of hand therapy is to provide relief from symptoms of various conditions, promote healing and recovery from injury or disease, and create a sustainable therapeutic plan which allows you to maximize mobility and strength while minimizing any pain in your hands.

Some of the most common conditions and injuries treated by hand therapy include:

In addition to addressing specific conditions, hand therapy can have more generalized goals and benefits, such as:

  • Strengthening and Prevention: These exercises help strengthen the hand (and sometimes parts of the arm.) This can help recover from existing injuries as well as prevent future injuries.
  • Pain Management: Sufferers of chronic hand pain often turn to hand therapy techniques to mitigate or neutralize the pain they suffer in their hands. There are a variety of hand therapy techniques which can be integrated into a pain management plan.

Rehabilitation: Hand therapists often design customized plans specifically geared to rehabilitate a person from a specific injury or condition. These carefully designed plans address the unique needs of the individual and are designed to restore function and minimize pain.

Consult with Activa For Your Own Hand Therapy Program in Hamilton, Ontario

At Activa’s Hamilton clinic, you’ll have access to some of Canada’s best medical professionals. Among them is our team of highly trained and experienced hand therapists, equipped with an ever expanding variety of modern techniques to help you get the most out of your hands.

Activa offers a holistic approach to hand therapy. Before your therapy begins, we will perform a series of diagnostic evaluations and patient interviews.

We’ll also collect your medical history and other relevant documentation.

Using this information, we create a detailed profile of you, your medical history, and your goals for treatment.

Our expert hand therapists then use this information to create a plan which synergizes the best available therapeutic techniques to bring you to your goals as soon as possible.

Whether you’re hoping to get rid of that stiffness, quiet your chronic pain, fight off fatigue, or restore some lost strength, Activa’s experts can design a hand therapy program which can help bring you towards your goals.

Hand therapy usually involves a number of targeted exercises and massages which work on the hand, forearm, upper arm, and shoulder. These exercises work to strengthen and repair the hand, restoring its function and alleviating persistent pain.

Other techniques such as TENS therapy and alternative therapies may also be useful in your hand therapy session.

At Activa Clinics, we offer a broad range of services which can be optionally integrated into your hand therapy program. This might include anything from acupuncture to mental health counseling. 

Contact Activa’s Hamilton Clinic and begin your journey towards strength and pain-free living today. Your customized hand therapy program awaits.

Call Activa Hamilton For Your Hand Therapy Appointment

You can find Activa’s Hamilton Hand Therapy Clinic at 50 Dundurn St, Hamilton, Ontario!

Feel free to stop in to chat with one of our helpful experts.

Or contact us any time via phone or e-mail. You can use the handy contact form available on our website to get in touch. Why not send us a message right now?


“In Canada, Certified Hand Therapists (CHTs) are those who have successfully met the educational and experience requirements and passed the Hand Therapy certification exam.”

FAQs on Hand Therapy in Hamilton, Ontario

How can hand therapy prevent future injuries or hand problems?

Techniques in hand therapy are designed to strengthen the hands and provide them with the support they need to perform the many different tasks which our hands may be subjected to. Stronger hands are more resilient, making them less prone to injury and therefore reducing the potential to suffer an injury in the future.

Can a hand therapy program also include other physiotherapy services?

Yes. At Activa Clinics, we offer a holistic health program which takes a multidisciplinary approach to health care. You can integrate other types of physiotherapy with ease and have access to a broad array of experts and techniques.

How can I tell a good hand therapist from a bad one?

It can be hard to assess the competence of your health care professionals. If you feel that you are receiving inadequate, seek a second (or third, or fourth) opinion from another health care provider. A good hand therapist is one who works with you, is attentive to your goals, and employs therapies which produce real world results.