Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, and Physiotherapy in Kitchener

Arthritis is the most prevalent chronic health condition in Canada. By the age of 65, 1 in 2 Canadians are likely to be suffering from one of the 100 different forms of the disease. But, it can and does affect younger people as well. At any point in time, 1 in 5 Canadians are living with arthritis.

But don’t let arthritis, and its most common type, osteoarthritis, stop you from enjoying life in Kitchener, Ontario. Activa Clinics offer arthritis & osteoarthritis physiotherapy in Kitchener.

Specialized Physiotherapy Services at Activa Clinics for Arthritis and Osteoarthritis Treatment in Kitchener

We offer Arthritis & Osteoarthritis Physiotherapy that tackles every aspect of the disease. It is designed to reduce the impact of all of your symptoms. We offer all of the following:

  • Pain relief treatments – including a range of different massage techniques, acupuncture, heat and cold therapies, and laser therapy.
  • Exercise programs that are tailored to you – arthritis affects every person in a slightly different way. So, an exercise that eases one person’s pain can make things worse for someone else. That is why we do not use a one-size-fits-all exercise regime at Activa Clinics. Instead, we carefully assess each person and provide an exercise regime tailored to their needs.
  • Post-surgery rehabilitation – if you have undergone surgery to address some of the problems your arthritis is causing, we are here to help you to recover from that operation.
  • Braces for joint protection – provided they are used in the right way braces can slightly slow down the progression of the disease. In some cases, they can provide you with enough support to enable you to carry on walking, working, and enjoying your hobbies. But they need to be the right ones and to be worn correctly, we are here to guide you.
  • Expert advice – our physiotherapists have been working with people who are suffering from many of the different forms of arthritis, for many years. So, we really are able to offer you expert advice.

Our tailored physiotherapy regimes offer arthritis sufferers a lot of benefits, including:

  • The opportunity to regain flexibility and mobility
  • Improved muscle strength that will keep you mobile for longer
  • Substantial relief for joint pain
  • A better understanding of how to use specialist equipment to stay active for longer
  • The emotional support that comes from talking to someone that has an in-depth understanding of your condition and is there to help
  • The chance to meet others who are suffering as you are, this is not done formally but a lot of our clients do talk to people who meet in our clinics, compare notes and learn from each other

Over the years, we have treated people at all stages of the disease. Many of whom have the most common kind of arthritis, osteoarthritis.

But we have also helped people who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus erythematosus, juvenile arthritis, and many of the other less common forms of the disease.

We have been able to help people to find considerable relief from:

  • Back pain – many arthritis sufferers experience back pain, sometimes because there is arthritis in the spin itself. But, if they have arthritis in the knee, for example, that can affect the way they stand and walk. This, in turn, leads to unnatural strains being put on the spine, which, then, results in misalignment and, often, back pain.
  • Neck pain – it is not uncommon for arthritis to affect the bones in the neck, this is called cervical spondylosis or cervical osteoarthritis. The fact your neck supports the head, which is very heavy, means that pain levels are hard to control. Physiotherapy that strengthens the neck muscles plays an important role in supporting the bones and joints that the arthritis is eroding.
  • Patellar tendonitis – this debilitating condition, which is also called jumper´s knee can make it impossible for sufferers to walk far, but with the right physiotherapy the number of flare-ups can be greatly reduced.
  • Hand and wrist pain – having arthritis in the hands and wrists is particularly debilitating. The sufferer starts to lose strength very quickly, which stops them from doing a long list of essential daily tasks. Physiotherapy can slow that process down, and, in many cases, restore much of the strength.

Shoulder pain – fortunately, arthritis in the shoulder is relatively rare, but this joint is usually affected when people have arthritis in the neck or spine. In both cases, physiotherapy can be used to strengthen the joint and reduce the level of shoulder pain experienced.

There are quite a few clinics that offer arthritis & osteoarthritis physiotherapy services in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). But, if you live in Kitchener, it’s more convenient to attend a clinic that is local to you. It will save you the hassle of having to travel far.

Fortunately, Activa Clinics has a facility located in Kitchener that offers arthritis & osteoarthritis physiotherapy services.

Call Activa’s Kitchener Clinic today for an arthritis & osteoarthritis physiotherapy schedule

The Activa Clinic team is here to work alongside you to greatly reduce the negative impact your arthritis & osteoarthritis is currently having on your life. Our physiotherapy program is a comprehensive one that is genuinely tailored to meet your needs. We don´t believe in shortchanging clients by using a one size fits all approach. To make sure that this does not happen we do the following before starting your treatment regime:

  • Discuss your medical history in full
  • Evaluate your current limitations
  • Set realistic goals for your program
  • Professionally manage your expectations regarding results

We do not try to tell you that we can cure your arthritis or reverse the damage that has already been done to your joints. From the start, we tell you the truth. For example, we explain that the results achieved vary but that most people notice an improvement fairly quickly.

Visit Activa’s Kitchener Clinic Mon to Thu 10 am to 7 pm and Fri 10 am to 5 pm

Better yet, call or email ahead, you can use our contact form to do this

If they prefer, patients can also use the online contact form

“The prevalence of arthritis is on the rise – by 2040, 50% more people will have arthritis.” Arthritis Society

Cost and Coverage

Like many of our services, our physiotherapy treatments are often covered through employer, auto, or disability insurance. So treatments can be available at little or no cost to you. Get in touch or schedule a consultation to learn more.

Book an Appointment

Research shows that even a modest amount of weight loss can make significant improvements to your health. So let us help you reach a healthier weight. At Activa Clinics, we take a whole-body approach. Using a variety of therapies and treatments, we can make it easier to lose weight, solve the associated conditions, and improve your overall health.